Walk-In / No appointment needed. Avoid the ER. Shorter wait times.

Meet Our Team

19 Experts in Orthopedics

Workers' Compensation Department Contact Information

New referrals: send to WCreferral@bienvilleortho.com or call 228-202-1607

Contact workers’ comp pre-cert staff for any needs regarding clinic notes, work statuses, orders, or additional needs.

Contact Therapy@bienvilleortho.com for any therapy notes, attendance records, or therapy scheduling needs.

Workers' Comp Pre-cert

Melissa Rice Carter

Dr. Blanchard
Dr. Burks
Dr. Cox
Dr. Graham
Dr. Lewis
Dr. Salloum
Dr. Tucker
Dr. Winters
Dr. Washington

Workers' Comp Pre-cert

Ashlee Jennings

Dr. Brown
Dr. Coleman
Dr. Harrison
Dr. Karpitskaya
Dr. Leis
Dr. Meadows
Dr. Noblin
Dr. Taormina
Dr. Wittersheim

Workers' Comp Intake (referrals/phone line)

WC phone line: 228-202-1607
WC email: WCreferral@bienvilleortho.com

Legal-IME/EME/SMO Coordination

Lisa Worthington

Direct email: lisa.worthington@bienvilleortho.com
Office: 228-546-2218
Fax: 228-546-3240

Director of Workers' Compensation

Lauren Pierce, RN, CCM, CSIWCP

Cell: 228-223-1654